Empresas Premium
iValueHealth.NET is a health related white-labelled multilingual platform where users can access basic medical information. We aim to contribute and respond to the following needs (i) identifying more and share medical information for better treatments, as people are living longer and becoming more health conscious, (ii) decreasing physicians to patients/inhabitants ratio and medical services becoming too costly, and (iii) better access to information and continuously increasing Health awareness using all potential devices.
Good Education & Health are basic needs of any human being. Today, more than 20% of the world´s population does not or has very limited access to health. We see a clear need to deliver some more health services and we believe that technology can bring its value and solve several issues. Digital Marketing are important for any business today. We are proud to be one of largest Healthcare Social Platform, whether its by Members, by Content and by Services.
Our collaboration network can enable your reach to each actor (and stakeholder) of the healthcare ecosystem and footstep in the world of healthcare services and Big Data. Our White Label Platform (on Web & Mobile) can accelerate your development, whether as launching new service or enrich your existing portfolio for your customers. Every actor in healthcare chain has a need, and we bring value and 360° holistic view.
MARCAS: iValueHealth.NET,www.iValueHealth.NET,iVH-HIT
Dirección / Avd. Lerida 5 7A
CP / 22400
Provincia / Huesca
Población / MONZON
Teléfono / 974402843
NIF / 18047642W
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