The Evondos medicine dispensers enables an independent life at home for poly-medicated individuals in need of help to be reminded about their medications. The dispenser secures that the right medicines are taken in the right time and there are no risk of overdosing. In the event of non-taken medications, an automatic alarm will be sent to the care provider and to the family members. to secure that the medicines are taken. We focus on frailty individuals Dementia, Alzheimers & Parkinsons in the early stages with the objective to pro-long a healthier life at home for as long as possible.

The Evondos Service including medication dispensing robots is focused on helping poly-medicated individuals at home, and especially the elderly who need help being reminded to take the right medication at the right time. It is also a valuable tool for social and healthcare providers in elderly care to support independent life and high quality of care at home. The service is directed to support professional carers/nurses, working in the community. "At the moment not available out of pharmacy?" <(what does this mean?)

Evondos is determined to "Enable an independent and safe life at home" focusing on those individuals with frailty problems, physical and mental illnesses, drug problems, and those diagnosed with early stages of Dementia, Alzheimer´s and Parkinson "and support their careers".< (what does this mean? – do you mean "with the support of the individuals´ carers/nurses?)

According to statistics approximately 50 % of the prescribed medications are not taken, which means that a substantial amount of money and resources are wasted.

Evondos Service impact has been proven in the Nordics countries with 99 % medication adherence, improved medication safety as a "result of replacing manual tasks and better allocation of scarce social care resources to the users who need the humane focus among frailty users under professional care organizations" <(what does this sentence mean/trying to say?)

So why is Medication Adherence important: Added some things in the end of the document with references to studies that can be used.

  • Medication is  the second largest expenditure in the Spanish Health & Social Care system.
  • According to statistics, up to 50% of patients do not take their medication correctly which means that their health is affected. 
  • Around 10 % of hospital admissions are medication related, and 70 % are preventable, if the medication was taken properly.

The following video describes the Evondos solution and society challenges in ageing care:




MARCAS: Evondos E300, Evondos Anna, Evondos Anna including video connection

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